

@echo off

rem Delphi Installation Path
set DELPHI=C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0
set PROJECT_NAME=Example

rem custom environment
if exist "buildenv.bat" call buildenv

if "%1" == "" goto help

if "%1" == "help" (
  echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of
  echo.  debug    to build with DEBUG symbol
  echo.  release  to build no symbol
  echo.  test     to build test project and run tests
  echo.  runtest  to run tests
  echo.  guitest  to build gui test tool and run tests
  goto end

if "%1" == "debug" (
  echo.== Debug Build ==
  if exist "%PROJECT_NAME%.exe" (
    echo.Deleting old file...
    del %PROJECT_NAME%.exe
  echo.Starting build...
  dcc32 -N0"" -B -D"DEBUG" %PROJECT_NAME%.dpr
  goto end

if "%1" == "release" (
  echo == Release Build ==
  if exist "%PROJECT_NAME%.exe" (
    echo.Deleting old file...
    del %PROJECT_NAME%.exe
  echo.Starting build...
  dcc32 -$D- -B %PROJECT_NAME%.dpr
  goto end

if "%1" == "test" (
  echo == Run Test ==
  echo building tests...
  set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%
  cd %CD%\Tests
  if exist "%PROJECT_NAME%Test.exe" (
    echo.Deleting old file...
    del %PROJECT_NAME%Test.exe
  echo.Starting build...
  dcc32 -B -D"CONSOLE_TESTRUNNER;DEBUG;TEST" -U"%DELPHI%\source\dUnit\src;" %PROJECT_NAME%Test.dpr
  if exist %PROJECT_NAME%Test.exe goto runtest
  echo build failure!
  cd ..
  goto end

if "%1" == "runtest" (
  echo running tests...
  cd ..
  goto end

if "%1" == "guitest" (
  echo == Run GUI Test ==
  echo building tests...
  set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%
  cd %CD%\Tests
  if exist "%PROJECT_NAME%Test.exe" (
    echo.Deleting old file...
    del %PROJECT_NAME%Test.exe
  echo.Starting build...
  dcc32 -B -D"DEBUG;TEST" -U"%DELPHI%\source\dUnit\src" %PROJECT_NAME%Test.dpr
  if exist %PROJECT_NAME%Test.exe goto runtest
  echo build failure!
  cd ..
  goto end
